♬♪rakyat jelata♬♪

Syahada buat Teman

“David, can you help me please. I had lost one of the most important things in my life but I can get it back by solving some tricky questions. I hope you can help me.”

Stephan David. Salah seorang kawanku yang sama-sama menuntut di University of Nottingham, England. Hampir empat tahun aku mengenali David, sejak tahun pertama aku menjejakkan kaki ke bumi England pada 2000. Tahun ini merupakan tahunterakhir  aku di England dan aku ingin menghadiahkan sesuatu yang berharga kepada David.

‘Danial, what happened? How I can help you’

‘It’s too complicated to tell here. Where are you now? Maybe we can meet somewhere nearby?’

‘ OK. Now I was at bar near Nottingham castle. Maybe we can meet at café house in front the castle. I wait for you there’

‘Okey. I will be there in 20 minutes. See you there.’

Aku meletakkan handset ku di atas meja dan mula bersiap. Jam menunjukkan pukul 12.30 tengah hari.aku mengambil beg sandangku dan terus menuju ke café house yang ditetapkan. Ku harap segala rancanganku untuk david berjalan lancar. Segala kertas dan maklumat yang diperlukan ku bawa bersama di dalam beg sandangku.

Hello David. Sorry I’m late. A little traffic jam occurs.’

‘it’s okay. Let’s have a seat please. Do you want coffee or tea? Eat?’

‘Thank you. Only tea. I already ate at home. ’

“Sir, may I have another cup of tea, with cream but less sugar.”

Aku hanya tersenyum. David sememangnya ingat minuman kegemaranku. Walaupun berpuluh-puluh kali kami keluar minum, hanya itulah aku pilih. Kadang-kadang aku makan roti dan telur.

'So, what’s  the problem?'

'Today, somebody entered my room. He took my pasport and left a message. Here the message.'

Aku pun memberikan sekeping kertas kepada David. David kehairanan tentang mesej yang di tinggalkan tu.
Why don’t you make a report at police station?'

' But he called  me after the robbery. He told that not to report to police or he will burn my passport. And one more thing if I report to police, police will say that it was my mistake because I was too careless.'

'Then, anything else he took except passport.'

'No. He only took my passport. All my money and bank card he did not take at all.'

'What a weird guy. Why he want to take your passport? He cannot use it at all. One more thing, why he left the message to you in form of riddles?'
'I don't know. Maybe he just wanted to play hide and seek with me. Do you have any idea about the riddles?'

'No. I don't have any idea now. What means by it really close to you, three in dark two in bright, always come in sweet seventeen? When you fall in a deep hole, only two branches can help you?'

'I also don't know. What can I think only each sentence has its own numbers. Maybe a code of some place in Nottingham.'

'Maybe it is one of the possibilities. Do you have any pen or paper? I want to calculate it. Maybe I can get the answers.'

'Here it is.'

Aku menghulurkan pen dan kertas yang kuambil dari beg sandang kepada david. Muka david kelihatan berkerut-kerut memikirkan jawapan kepada masalahku. Aku amat beruntung mempunyai kawan seperti david yang sanggup membantuku ketika dalam masalah walaupun kami berlainan bangsa dan warna kulit.

“ Allahuakbar... Allahuakbar......” deringan hensetku menandakan masuk waktu solat Zuhur. Aku segera menghabiskan minumanku dan bersiap untuk ke masjid berhampiran.

'David, I want to pray first. If you can solve the mystery, call me.'

'Ooo.. okey. I will call you. See you again.'

'I forget. What about the tea? How much?'

'Hahaha. Today I will pay for you. After I solve your mystery, you must pay me back.'

'OK. I promise.'

Aku menyusuri laluan pejalan kaki dan menuju ke istana Nottingham. Disebelahnya terdapat majid berdekatan. Aku berharap David dapat menyelesaikan masalahku itu. Kurang lima minit, aku menjejakan kaki ke masjid Nottingham.


1 message receive. Itulah paparan terpampang pada skrin hensetku. Selesai berzikir dan berdoa, aku membuka inbox hensetku. Rupa-rupanya david menghantar sms kepadaku.

 “Danial. I already got the answer for your riddles. So when we can meet?”

Aku agak terperanjat. Tak sangka david dapat menyelesaikan maalah itu dengan pantas. Aku kemudiannya membalas mesej david.

“Okey... but I got 1 more riddles. This the location of my passport, the 'place that has the tallest building in the world.' do you know the answer?

“Yes, I know the answer. Do you still pray? Maybe I will meet you there and we will go together to take your passport back.”

“OK. I wait you here”

Hatiku tersenyum girang. Aku berharap David betul-betul dapat menyeleaikan masalahku itu dan aku dapat passportku kembali.

'Hai, Danial'

'Oh... David. So where we are going right know? What place ha the tallest building in the world?'

'Nowhere. Here the place the tallest building in the world.'


'Because the tallest building in the world now did not reach moon and star, but this building reach until moon and sky. That why it is the tallest building in the world.'

'Wow... you are great, I did not think about it although I always come here. So let come in and ask somebody about my passport.'

'Wait...wait. I think better I explain to you and you go inside and ask them. I will wait you here.'

'Hah... Why?'

'This place is holy to people like you, I mean Muslim. I don't think I should go inside. What the other people will say?'

'Oh.. it's okay. Anybody can enter this place. Come on. I really need your help right now. You come with me, nobody will say anything bad about you. Don't worry.'

'I'm still scared... but I think it's okay with you.'


Danial:  Assalamualaikum.... sir. Do you know about one passport left in this mosque? Maybe in this

morning. Do you have any information or you see it?
Ustaz:   Waalaikumussalam... you must be Muhammad Danial Yusuff. Somebody said that you will
come to get you passport back. But you must answer 3 questions. I think you know the
              questions and the answer.
Danial: Yes, it is my name. But I don't get the answer yet. My friend could help me. Can't he?
Ustaz:   It's okay. You can call him right now..
danial:  David, come here. I found my passport. But the key to take it back are the answer. I really
              hope to you. This is Muhamad, leader of this mosque.
David:   Okey. I'll try my best.
Ustaz:   The first question, When you fall in a deep hole, only two branches can help you. The   
              second, What means by it really close to you, three in dark two in bright, always come in  
              sweet seventeen.
David:  For the first, it about syahada. Each of Muslim know this, start with “believe no other God
              except Allah” and second part “believe that Muhammad is Messenger of Allah.” this two part
             tell about two branches, and dark hole mean you lost from real way of Islam. For the
             second question, it also about Islam. Prayer. Every Muslim must pray 5 times a day, 2 at the
             daytime, 3 at night. If we total up all the prayer, we will get 1 same procedure but repeat to
             17 times. That was the answer that I could figure out.
Ustaz:  That’s correct. How you could figure it out although you not Muslim.?
David:  My friend Danial always talk to me about Islam. He also pray everyday and sometime read
             The Holy Quran. That why I know a little bit about Islam.

Aku hanya tersenyum. Tak ku duga david dapat menjawab soalan itu dengan tepat sekali. Aku harap soalan ketiga dapat dijawabnya dengan tepat dan mendapatkan kembali passport ku.

Ustaz:  This the last question. If you can answer this, I will give back your friend’s passport. The
            question is ‘ you know me, I want you, but you far away from me. Please grab me and I will
            help you.’
david:  Wait a minute. I don’t know about the third question. How can I answer the question?
Denial: I also don’t know but I believe you can answer the question.
David:  OK. I will try...the first question and second about Islam, I think the third must be also about               
             Islam. But what the riddles means… Ooo… I know the answer. The answer is ISLAM. I know
             Islam but….
Ustaz:  So, why do you don’t take Islam as your religion? You know that islam is the best way of life.    
            You already know that Islam can give you happiness and can save you. so, why you didn’t 
            choose Islam? This is the real meaning for the last question. I know you have the answer.
            I want to ask you, would you like to become a Muslim?

                David hanya terkedu. Matanya memandang ke arahku. Aku hanya mengangguk tanda bersetuju jika dia menerima Islam sebagai agamanya. Aku akan menjadi insan paling gembira jika dia memeluk agama islam.

David:  Yes…. I would like to become a Muslim.
Ustaz: Absolutely. But before that why you want to become a Muslim. I don’t want you become a 
            Muslim because I  ask you to do so or because you want to get your friend’s passport back. I 
            want you to accept Islam by yourself.
David: Actually I want to revert into muslim long time ago since I meet dAnial, but at that time I think I’m  not ready yet. But now I’m really sure I want to enter Islam.  So I hope you can teach me how 
            to become a great muslim.
Ustaz: Of course. First you need to say syahada, just follow what I said…. Asyhadualla ilaha ila
            Allah…. Wa asyhaduan na Muhammadul Rasulullah…
David: Asyhadualla ila ha ila Allah…. Wa asyhaduan na Muhammadul Rasulullah…

Begitulah kalimah agung syahadah bergema di masjid Nottingham. Air mataku mengalir tatkala melihat rakan karibku itu memeluk Islam, rancanganku telah berjaya.

‘I’m glad to see you accept Islam. Actually I plan this riddles so you could remember about Islam and accept Islam as your religion. I’m happy to see you finally accept Islam. This the present that I want to give to you before I return to Malaysia next month.’
‘Thank you very much friends, I’m glad you show me the real path toward success, with Islam. This the best gift ever from you. I’m glad to have friends like you.’

nukilan khairil aziat
1st year medical student of vsmu
naib johan pertandingan menulis cerpen
Bulan Imam 2012

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